Bible Quiz
Have fun on a group night, a weekend or fill in some time during the school holidays with one of Bible Quiz activities.
Cut-off Dates: As you work the Rally Bible Quiz into your devotion program, please be aware of the dates below. If quizzes are received after the closing dates, we will be unable to include them in the prize draw, however they will still receive points.
Quiz 159: Jesus’ Last Hours (Members Mag Issue 1, 2022) 1 May 2022
Quiz 160: Gideon (Members Mag Issue 2, 2022) 1 August 2022
Quiz 161: Samson (Members Mag Issue 3, 2022) 1 November 2022
Postage: Send Quiz Papers to Rally Bible Quiz, C/- 151 Okauia Springs Road, RD1, Matamata 3471. Due to postage costs we do not return marked quiz papers. However, if you provide us with a stamped selfaddressed envelope we are happy to post them back.

Quiz 2022
If your Rally took part in the quizzes last year - Thank you!
Below you will find the 2022 Rally Bible Quiz questions and wordfinds, together with blank answer sheets which you can photocopy for your members. You will note that there are three quizzes this year, as there will only be three issues of the Members Mag in 2022.
The Rally Bible Quiz has been created as a way of encouraging Rally Members to read the Bible and learn lessons from God’s Word. We would like to encourage you to include the Rally Bible Quiz into your yearly devotions plan, to assist you in building strong Christian character into your Members.
Quiz Structure: Juniors answer questions 1-13 & Seniors answer questions 1-15. The first 12 questions are mostly one word answers which Members can find in the optional wordfind. Questions 13-15 are more thought provoking questions requiring Members to write a sentence or two. Please ensure Juniors answer question 13 and Seniors questions 13-15.
Making it Easier: Reading Bible passages expressively or adding in more drama with actors miming can make a narrative more memorable. Members could answer a question at a time as you come to it in the reading, or complete the answers at the end of the reading or chapter. With the first 12 questions being mostly one word answers and by providing you with blank answer sheets, we've endeavoured to make this as easy as possible for you and your Members.
Answer Sheets: Please encourage your Members to write as neatly as they can so that the adjudicators can read their answers. Ensure that the Members first and last names are provided (so that the points they earn can be entered correctly), ensure it is clear whether they are girls or boys (as some names can be either) and include their age so it is clear whether they are Junior or Senior. State your Rally at the top so we know where to send prizes. If Members are not using the provided blank answer sheets they will need to write their numbered answers on a page.
Talk it Over: These questions at the end of the quiz are not part of the Rally Bible Quiz and are not marked. Rather they are extra questions for Members to talk over with other adults and peers to get them thinking deeper.
Bible Version: Quiz answers are based on the CEV Bible. If you haven’t got CEV Rally Bibles you can find and print the appropriate CEV verses from the internet.
Prizes: A selection of winners will be drawn from correct quiz papers, with prizes consisting of Christian books and literature for children. Quiz papers that are 100% correct will receive 10 points, and the remaining entries will receive 5 points. These points are recorded in a database and as members accumulate 50, 100, 200 points they receive novelty prizes. Rally Council also give annual cash prizes to the Rallies who send in the most Quiz Papers throughout the year: 1st = $100, 2nd = $60, 3rd = $40.